Thursday, April 16, 2009

Angular Cheilitis, Cheilosis, Stomatitis & Perleche Treatment Solutions

Is angular cheilitis, stomatitis, cheilosis or perleche ruining your life?

Are those stares on the red and crusty sores at the corners of your mouth embarrassing you?

Is your relationship suffering because you don't feel like kissing?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above, do not be disheartened as there are certainly some steps you can take to overcome your dilemma.

Firstly, take a look at a few common angular cheilitis treatment tips that had helped some sufferers.

However, if these simple treatment tips did not work for you, then there are two lesser-known but proven natural angular cheilitis treatment solutions that can help you.

Both make use of items commonly found in the household to eliminate angular cheilitis permanently.

To find out how you can get relief within hours with these treatment solutions, please click on the links below.

Treatment Solution #1: Orlando Ellis' Angular Chelitis Foundation

Treatment Solution #2: Claire Solby's Angular Cheilitis Solution

Monday, March 30, 2009

Angular Chelitis Foundation - Treatment With Household Items

Orlando Ellis established the Angular Chelitis Foundation to help millions of sufferers of angular cheilitis (also known as angular chelitis, cheilosis, angular stomatitis, perleche or severe chapped lips) around the world.

For the last six years, the foundation has focused on treatment that works quickly and efficiently.

Brad Ellis, Orlando's son, suffered from angular cheilitis for many years as none of the conventional treatments prescribed by doctors had worked for Brad.

Stressed and frustrated by the humiliation and pain suffered by his son, Orlando decided to do an in-depth research of angular cheilitis.

Finally, after much investigation, Orlando came across some information about fungal infections that led him to formulate a treatment that worked for Brad.

Using certain household items, this treatment kills the actual bacteria responsible for the infection by isolating the fungal bacteria and creating an environment they cannot live in.

The treatment is very potent as rapid transformation of the legions can be observed.

According to Orlando, the ulcers will dry out very quickly and you should be able to observe a marked difference in terms of redness and rawness within hours.

For Brad, his experience is such that all symptoms were gone and his lips normalized by the next day.

This is a treatment with no side effects that has enjoyed a very high success rate since tried by thousands of angular cheilitis sufferers.

If you wish to try this simple and painless treatment, Orlando's advise is to firstly check out the photos at Angular Chelitis Foundation to see whether they match with yours so as to confirm that you actually have angular cheilitis.

Once this is confirmed, you can proceed to try this safe treatment and should typically expect to have quick results.

However, if you have a severe case of angular cheilitis, several treatments over a few days or even weeks may be required before the Candida (thrush) bacteria is controlled.

For more information on this treatment method, please visit
Angular Chelitis Foundation.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Angular Cheilitis Solution – Home Remedy To Stop Angular Cheilitis

Claire Solby is the author of the Angular Cheilitis Solution, a natural solution (using ingredients typically found in the kitchen and bathroom) that had worked for her.

Claire is a former sufferer of angular cheilitis (also known as angular chelitis, cheilosis, angular stomatitis, perleche or severe chapped lips) and recalls countless moments of embarrassment when people stared and make ignorant assumptions when they see the harsh redness and crusty sores at the corners of the her mouth.

Claire recalled in particular, the ordeal she went through during a particular perleche attack that lasted for several months where her relationship with her boyfriend suffered tremendously as she did not kiss him (due to fear of infecting him) nor did she felt like kissing.

Claire had gone to different doctors, all of whom recommended a 1% hydro cortisone cream, a white greasy topical cream that unfortunately did nothing to treat the lesions.

As a result, Claire hopelessly waited in pain and humiliation for more than four months before this particular attack subsided.

However, typical of angular cheilitis, Claire had a repeat attack.

This time, instead of going to the doctors, Claire decided to try a natural treatment that was introduced by a colleague of hers.

Claire was pleasantly surprised to be relieved from the rawness at the corners of her mouth with the newly developing lesions completely gone within a few hours.

She kept up the treatment 3 times a day for a week and has not suffered another attack since then.

The Angular Cheilitis Solution contains detailed instructions on this natural treatment method that had since helped hundreds of other cheilosis sufferers.

This treatment kills the bacteria responsible for the infection by isolating it in a waterless environment - an environment that the bacteria cannot survive in.

Putting together this treatment is easy and inexpensive as it only involves simple ingredients normally found in your bathroom or kitchen.

For more information, please visit the Angular Cheilitis Solution Website.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Angular Cheilitis & Cheilosis Treatment - Tips To Treat Stomatitis & Perleche

Are you affected by angular cheilitis (also known as cheilosis, angular stomatitis or perleche)?

If you are, here are several treatment tips that you may want to consider.

Firstly, consider some known ways to treat "chapped lips" - a less severe condition caused by vitamin deficiency or inadequate moisture:

1. Consume quality supplements that include vitamins B1 and B12. For iron deficiency, you may want to consult a professional.

2. Use shea butter and olive / coconut oil and apply frequently on your lips

3. For short-term relief, consider using moisturizing lipstick or protective lip balm

On the other hand, you should consult your doctor if you have extremely painful attacks several times a year with symptoms such as deep cracks, cuts and sores around the mouth or bleeding when the mouth is opened.

If there are also signs of candida infection, the doctor will likely confirm the more serious angular cheilitis / perleche condition and will likely prescribe a 1% hydro cortisone topical cream.

Also, to prevent depositories of candida infection from accumulating in your non-metal dentures, you should soak your dentures overnight in a solution made up of 10 parts water to 1 part household bleach.

The above treatment tips had brought relief for some sufferers of angular stomatitis and cheilosis.

On the other hand, if these did not work for you, then you should really consider two lesser-known but proven natural treatment solutions.

Both eliminate angular cheilitis permanently by using common household items to isolate and kill the fungal infection.

To find out how you can get relief within hours with these treatment solutions, please check out the links below.

Treatment Solution #1: Orlando Ellis' Angular Chelitis Foundation

Treatment Solution #2: Claire Solby's Angular Cheilitis Solution